Dear valued customers, As we usher in the year of the rabbit, we would like to inform you that our retail stores will be closed for the Chinese New Year celebrations on 22nd & 23rd January 2023, except the following outlets will remain open from 11.00AM to 8.00PM:
People’s Park
Vivocity (SK Gold)
MBS (SK Gold)
ION Orchard
Bugis Junction
Jurong Point The Centris
Jewel Changi Airport
All outlets will resume operations on 24th January 2023.

Do note on the Early Closure of our retail stores during Chinese New Year Eve:
All outlet opening hours: 11.00AM – 5.30PM
Except SK Gold at Marina Bay Sands: 11.00AM – 9.30PM
Our e-store will remain open 24/7 during this CNY period but the processing of orders will commence from 31st January 2023.
The Management & Staff of SK Jewellery Group wishes everyone
a prosperous, joyful and successful Chinese New Year in 2023!